
On ‘Being Honest and Untruthful’

How quick we are to voice emotions and thoughts to those to whom these make not the least difference in terms of personal relationship! Diss or defend a politician? No problem. Confess to having stars in the eyes for that sportsperson or movie star? Totally! Bitch about someone you dislike and hardly have any interaction… Continue reading On ‘Being Honest and Untruthful’


On ‘Being Crazy and Unapologetic About It!’

For years, I have been designing ways to develop in school children the ability to see a situation or issue from different perspectives. Over time, I have found this helps in making them less judgmental and critical, and more amenable towards accepting of differences. They hold opinions, of course, often defending them vociferously, arguing and… Continue reading On ‘Being Crazy and Unapologetic About It!’