Self-discovery · Uncategorized

On ‘Thoughts of an Ordinary Woman’

I can’t bear to watch the news. Every second piece is about rape, abuse, or murder of females: infants, toddlers, pre-teen, teen, young woman, middle aged woman, old woman, paralysed woman, mentally challenged woman, sick unconscious woman, drunk woman, maimed woman, destitute woman, starving woman, dying woman. Sister, daughter, wife, relative, tourist, friend. Anything with… Continue reading On ‘Thoughts of an Ordinary Woman’

Relationships · Self-discovery · Uncategorized

On ‘What Goes On In My Head When You Push My Buttons…’

On some days, my supply of cuss words is inadequate to meet demand. I am tempted to productively use my time researching appropriate ones that fit my current situation. And feel so overwhelmed that ‘wtf’ becomes my highest and most evolved expression of feelings, flashing in my mind with each breath, which is incidentally around… Continue reading On ‘What Goes On In My Head When You Push My Buttons…’